Dan Brown的Deception Point已經啃了一半,預計下禮拜會啃完。The Rule of Four則是太難了,一堆文藝復興的文學藝術,看了一百頁不到就放棄。
回來第一件事就是打開電腦,唉,incurable addiction to the Internet。
To J: 我第一個晚上也沒有徹夜未眠,睡到腰痛倒是真的。
星期五, 9月 16, 2005
星期三, 9月 14, 2005
1. Blogging for fun ,for yourself, at least at beginning
2. don't force yourself to blog just for periodically update.
3. don't limit your blog to min. or max. length.
4. don't blog just for audience.
5. don't be afraid of opposite comments.
6. Blogging is to share your thought, your opinion, not your "me too".
7. Blogging tools and interfaces are for convenience, not for "Wow! so fascenating!" The same as your site layout.
8. If you don't want someone reading your blog, never put it on.(Even he/she don't know you have a blog)
9. Try to remember why you are blogging.
10. forget the first 9 rules. use the 10th instead: BLOG FOR YOURSELF!
2. don't force yourself to blog just for periodically update.
3. don't limit your blog to min. or max. length.
4. don't blog just for audience.
5. don't be afraid of opposite comments.
6. Blogging is to share your thought, your opinion, not your "me too".
7. Blogging tools and interfaces are for convenience, not for "Wow! so fascenating!" The same as your site layout.
8. If you don't want someone reading your blog, never put it on.(Even he/she don't know you have a blog)
9. Try to remember why you are blogging.
10. forget the first 9 rules. use the 10th instead: BLOG FOR YOURSELF!
星期三, 9月 07, 2005

我聽不懂, 不過猜想大概就是"手很賤的小孩"的意思吧?
長大以後就比較少了, 一方面是怕麻煩, 一方面是看在"$$"的份上, 不敢亂拆.
最多把電腦機殼拆開來摸摸搞搞, 最近連拆機殼都懶了, 壞掉就丟著, 等到受不了的話就拿錢去買新的, 省時省力省腦筋, 可是就是不省錢.
但是昨天不知道發什麼神經, 就因為他讀不到某些光碟, 竟然把當初10K買回來的PS2給分解了.
有圖為證, 所謂開腸剖肚也不過如此吧.
弄弄搞搞, 心裡忐忑不安, 10K耶, 現在沒有收入, 也不能去買新的了, 拆壞了就真的是沒了.
心一橫, 壞了就算了, 正好把玩PS2時間拿來專心唸點東西.
就這樣, 弄到半夜3點才睡覺.
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